
4.7 ( 6627 ratings )
Spil Action Arkade
Forfatter: Gameteam

Jumbz is a jumping game where you travel on sinking platforms. To avoid to sink with the platform, you have to jump on the neighbouring platforms. The main goal is to get 60 points by collecting the yellow stars. One yellow star gives you 10 points, one black star takes 10 points. After you get the 60 points you unleash the box. To finish the level and unlock the next level jump on the box.
On your path you can get powerups or powerdowns:
- Slow Mode: the platforms sink very slow, slow or dont sinkt at all
- Ghost Mode: the player cant get hurt by enemies, cant collect points but still dies if he misses the platform
- Switch Mode: buttons for left and right are swapped
- Double mode: some collectables give you twice as much
- Evil Mode: all becomes red and black, which means no yellow stars
- All normal: remove all powerups

Be aware of the enemies and use up and down keys to get faster to the next platform.

Gameteam presents
Featuring Ziga Banic et al
Done with XNI framework: xni.retronator.com
Visit us on the web: gameteam.fri.uni-lj.si
Done within TINR course taught by Bojan Klemenc & Peter Peer
Computer Vision Lab
Faculty of Computer and Information Science
University of Ljubljana